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The application of Sodium sulphate in the Masterbatches industry

QYJSSA/September 06,2023

In recent years, due to the development of production, consumers have put forward higher requirements for the packaging of products. A large number of new materials have been put into use, among which masterbatches play a key role. Plastic masterbatch is a homogeneous granule made of an excessive amount of additives and carrier resin through a special processing method, which fully disperses the additive components in the carrier resin.

Figure 1 Masterbatches

With the expansion of plastic varieties and applications, and the refinement of performance requirements for plastic processing products, plastic masterbatch has been refined into dozens of categories. As plastic masterbatch has the advantages of environmental friendliness, process stability and quality reliability, it has become the key raw material most often used in plastics processing.

Sodium sulphate is the common name of anhydrous sodium sulfate, which is a high crystallinity inorganic chemical raw material with competitive price, excellent refractive index, non-toxicity and other advantages so that it can have a wide range of applications in glass, textile, pharmaceutical and other industries. However, sodium sulphate belongs to strong polar substances, it will absorb moisture in the air, this performance greatly affects the mechanical properties of composite materials, so the strong hygroscopicity of sodium sulphate has become the bottleneck of its application in the plastics industry.

The filler masterbatch prepared by "A masterbatches modified with sodium sulphate and its preparation method" in 2016 is a practical and cost-effective filler modified transparent masterbatch. Currently, sodium sulphate has been used in a large number of applications in the plastics industry, especially in plastic products with transparent properties.

Figure 2  Modified sodium sulphate filler masterbatch

Under the background of world energy revolution and "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals", green and low-carbon development is not only a challenge, but also a new opportunity and a new wind mouth. QINGYIJIANG Sodium Sulphate Co., Ltd. relentlessly explores the new momentum of green growth in the chemical industry, adheres to the ESG concept deeply integrated into the development of the enterprise, insists on the realization of the environmental protection production of sodium sulphate, positively responds to the global climate and environmental issues, and fulfills the mission of "better life through chemical industry" to create a sustainable future for mankind.

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