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QINGYIJIANG Sodium Sulphate Co., Ltd. provides "China Experience" for global green manufacturing at the Procter & Gamble Brussels Summit based on ESG concepts

QYJSSA/March 28,2023

On March 22, P&G held a global supply chain summit in Brussels, Belgium. With the theme of "Environmental Sustainability, Equality, Inclusion", we will explore valuable and sustainable solutions based on strategic carriers to achieve the goal of turning threats into advantages.

Figure 1  Sundar Raman proposes to accelerate the goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2040

Sundar Raman, CEO of Procter & Gamble, mentioned, "Our combined business momentum continues as we serve consumers with irresistibly superior experiences, grow the categories we operate in, work with sustained excellence and deliver on productivity goals so we can continue to reinvest in this virtuous value creation cycle. However, this cycle is faced with increasing disruptions from the energy transition, tighter labor markets, multiple stake-holder tensions and broad-based inflation -threats that we need to transform into opportunities if we are to accelerate our growth. ”

Figure 2  Li Haitao, chairman of QYJSSA, spoke at the summit

QINGYIJIANG Sodium Sulphate Co., Ltd. (QYJSSA) participated in the summit as the only Chinese supplier invited to participate in the summit, and Mr. Li Haitao, Chairman of the Board, focused on our company's initiatives in green innovation and intelligent manufacturing in recent years, providing "China Experience" for global green manufacturing, which attracted the attention of the organizers and participating suppliers. He said that in response to the EU's goal of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050, we position ourselves as a key partner for the sustainable development of the industry. Going forward, we will continuously develop new processes to reduce carbon emissions, build competitive advantages by following stricter environmental, social and governance standards, and drive innovation across the value chain of sodium sulphate products with ESG standards.

Knowledge Link: ESG

ESG is the acronym of the three English words of environmental, social and governance, which refers to the environmental, social and corporate governance issues that enterprises should pay attention to in their business activities. Key points of ESG philosophy include:

1. Environment: Enterprises should pay attention to environmental protection, reduce environmental impact, reduce carbon emissions, save energy, improve resource utilization efficiency, and promote sustainable development.

2. Society: Enterprises should pay attention to the rights and interests of employees, abide by labor laws and regulations, protect the rights and interests of consumers, fulfill social responsibilities, and promote social justice and harmony.

3. Governance: Enterprises should establish a sound corporate governance structure, protect shareholders' rights and interests, strengthen internal control, improve transparency, prevent corporate risks, and improve corporate value.

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