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QINGYIJIANG® Sodium Sulphate
Fast and safe delivery at competitive shipping rates


QYJSSA has a wide experience in logistics and transportation. Its distribution channels, optimally developed through strategically located intermediate warehouses, enabling deliveries with short lead times, securely and at competitive prices. QYJSSA offers its customers all of its products in bulk or packed, both by sea and land, using various types of transport and various types of packaging.

  • Road transport

    by means of trailer trucks, container vehicles etc.

  • Rail transport

    by means of containers, boxcars etc.

  • Sea transportation

    by full shipments in bulk or breakbulk, or in containers.


QYJSSA has an extensive network of warehouses of packed and bulk material in different countries in Asia(Bangladesh, Myanmar, Indonesia) and in South America(Brazil, Colombia). The warehouses inChina are located in different points of the Chinese geography allowing an agile and competitive delivery service. They are located in: Leshan, Yibin, Chongqing, Zhenjiang, Nanjing, Qinzhou.

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